Old stereotypes peg women asdangerousdrivers, but statistics show the reality: When it comes to driving, guys are much more naughty. And insurance rates reflect that. 以前都说女人是危险的驾驶者, 但是统计数据才显示真实情况: 在开车上男人更不老实. 保险公司的事故统计上证实这一点.We can't say that all males are reckless when they drive. Nor can we say that all females are safe drivers. But numerous studies show that males are more likely than females to throw caution to the wind when on the road.
"Maybe the testosterone makes them more aggressive," jokes Loretta Worters, a spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute. "But the fact is, the industry doesn't go by whether you have higher testosterone. It goes by numbers, and the numbers seem to support that men are generally more reckless than women." "也许肾上腺素导致他们更具有进攻性", 保险信息学院的罗瑞塔.沃特开玩笑地说. "但是事实上, 工业届并不看你是否有更高的肾上腺素. 工业届只看数据. 而数据表明, 一般来说, 男人要比女人开车无理."
Sorry, boys, but statistics show that you break traffic laws more often than females. 很抱歉, 男孩子们, 统计表明你们比女人更多地违反交通规则.
QualityPlanning, a company that validates policyholder information for auto insurers, conducted a study that concluded males are at least 50% more likely to be cited for reckless driving, seat belt violations, speeding, failure to yield and stop sign/signal violations. To be more specific, the company analyzed an entire year of policyholder information in 2007 and found that males were cited for reckless driving 3.41 times as often as females. 质量计划, 一个给保险公司出谋划策的公司, 完成的一项研究表明男性对于以下交通违规至少比女性高出50%, 它们是无理驾车(很严重的交通违规, ~~注), 安全带违规, 超速, 不避让, 停车标志及交通信号违规, 更确切地说, 这家公司研究了2007年全年的投保人的保险记录, 发现在 2007 年里, 男人接到的无理驾车罚单是女人的 3.41 倍.
Traffic violations:
Violations 违规类型
Violation ratio, males vs. females 违规男女比率
Reckless driving 无理驾车
3.41-to-1 (男比女: 3.41 比 1, 以下类推)
DUI 酒精或药物后驾车
Seat belt violations 安全带违规
Speeding 超速
Failure to yield 避让违规
Stop sign/signal violations 交通信号违规
"We were not surprised to see that men have slightly more -- about plus 5% -- violations that result in accidents than women," says Raj Bhat, the president of Quality Planning. "And because men are also more likely to violate laws for speeding, passing and yielding, the resulting accidents caused by men lead to more-expensive (insurance) claims than those caused by women." "我们并不奇怪, 在由于交通违规而造成的交通事故上,男人也比女人高大约5%.", 质量计划公司的主席拉杰.巴特说. "并且因为男人更容易违反有关超速, 超车和避让的规则, 那么在交通事故的结果上男人带来的损失要比女人高."
The study also found that female drivers were about 27% less likely to be found at fault when involved in an accident. 通过这个研究人们还发现, 交通事故中, 女性为错误方的要比男性为错误方的低 27%.
波波注: 欢呼吧 秀坛的 JM 们. 这欢呼没 XD 什么事. 秀坛 XD 们, 大度些, 就别跟 JM 们争了. 认了吧 ....... 哈哈哈哈哈