6月14日乘加航于当地时间14:30抵达美国落山矶机场.加航在加拿大声誉不是很好, 人们戏称加航员工有个口号: We are not happy till you are not happy!我个人的感受: 飞机设施还不错, 服务也说得过去, 就是行李托运出错率太高.虽然我个人的行李还没遭到意外, 我的同行人的行李可是百分之百的出错.这次也不例外.言归正传, 办理完酒店入住手续已接近傍晚, 抓紧时间直奔好莱坞大街.
A section of Hollywood Boulevard was closed off outside the Chinese Theatre for the tribute ceremony, which was broadcast live via Twitter, and watched by a few hundred lucky fans who turned up from before dawn to see the show.
The three children helped to stamp prints of a pair of Jackson's shoes, and one of his famous sequined gloves, into the wet-cement like material, before pressing their own handprints into it.