- Have you seen the old man
- In the closed-down market
- Kicking up the paper,
- with his worn out shoes?
- In his eyes you see no pride
- Hands held loosely at his side
- Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news
- So how can you tell me you're lonely,
- And say for you that the sun don't shine?
- Let me take you by the hand
- and lead you through the streets of London
- I'll show you something
- to make you change your mind
- Have you seen the old girl
- Who walks the streets of London
- Dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags?
- She's no time for talking,
- She just keeps right on walking
- Carrying her home in two carrier bags.
- So how can you tell me you're lonely,
- And say for you that the sun don't shine?
- Let me take you by the hand
- and lead you through the streets of London
- I'll show you something
- to make you change your mind
- In the all night cafe
- At a quarter past eleven,
- Same old man is sitting there on his own
- Looking at the world
- Over the rim of his tea-cup,
- Each tea last an hour
- Then he wanders home alone
- So how can you tell me you're lonely,
- And say for you that the sun don't shine?
- Let me take you by the hand
- and lead you through the streets of London
- I'll show you something
- to make you change your mind
- And have you seen the old man
- Outside the seaman's mission
- Memory fading with
- The medal ribbons that he wears.
- In our winter city,
- The rain cries a little pity
- For one more forgotten hero
- And a world that doesn't care
- So how can you tell me you're lonely,
- And say for you that the sun don't shine?
- Let me take you by the hand
- and lead you through the streets of London
- I'll show you something
- to make you change your mind
| | - 你可曾注意过那个老人甠敼ؖ杜
- 就在已经停业的市场边鉘钫烀熰耝
- 踢着丢弃的报纸概堷衛鏄
- 穿着磨破的鞋肎擛邦玏颱
- 他的眼神中带着一丝落寞隓菢搜唡
- 无力的双手垂在身边晴暻瑿怞
- 昨天的报纸讲述着昨天的故事憽犗鑀惎
- 你怎么还能告诉我你是孤独的?姦葍半ݸ
- 还觉得你的世界已经黑云压城?耕爛桋襊吱
- 就让我牵着你的手鑵劐藊砾隋
- 带你走过伦敦的街头礥抭ࠕ膆梒
- 届时你所看到一切裇覶挤兪夯
- 定将改变你的看法覾鑭均秭鍽
- 你有没有看见那个老太太銖苻蔽抵睎
- 蹒跚过伦敦的街头槈曹瓸蟟盘
- 脏乱的头发,褴褛的衣衫薃灺揬腾
- 她根本无暇交谈擓镝暳砶
- 只是不停地向前走着接蚺螩雑
- 背着两个纸袋,装着她的家棙銎螲鉠逺
- 你是否还要对我说你是孤独的?胕犠覉枪
- 还觉得你的世界已经黑云压城?闪椻顲呸冩
- 就让我牵着你的手芴遹瘘瀳
- 带你走过伦敦的街头壮肖大鞃
- 届时你所看到的一切ٓ楃鎼陕煩
- 定将改变你的看法枢袡厈邁
- 一家24小时营业的咖啡店榊厀鐷斄
- 十一点一刻的夜里敼ؖ杜胝
- 刚才那位老人一个人孤独地坐着钫烀熰耝
- 透过杯子的边缘概堷衛鏄
- 凝望着这个世界肎擛邦玏颱
- 一小时在一壶茶中渡过后隓菢搜唡
- 等待他的又是孤独的归家之路晴暻瑿怞
- 你是否还要对我说你是孤独的?憽犗鑀惎
- 还觉得你的世界已经黑云压城?姦葍半ݸ
- 就让我牵着你的手耕爛桋襊吱
- 带你走过伦敦的街头鑵劐藊砾隋
- 届时你所看到一切礥抭ࠕ膆梒
- 定将改变你的看法裇覶挤兪夯
- 你是否还看到过那个老人覾鑭均秭鍽
- 就在海员救济会的门口銖苻蔽抵睎
- 人们的记忆已经渐渐模糊槈曹瓸蟟盘
- 就如同他胸前褪色的勋章薃灺揬腾
- 在这个城市寒冷的冬日擓镝暳砶
- 只有细雨在为此呜咽接蚺螩雑
- 为了又一个被遗忘的英雄棙銎螲鉠逺
- 为了这个冷漠的世界胕犠覉枪
- 你还有什么资格对我说你是孤独的?闪椻顲呸冩
- 还觉得你的世界已经黑云压城?芴遹瘘瀳
- 就让我牵着你的手壮肖大鞃
- 带你走过伦敦的街头焣畣凛呴
- 届时你所看到一切皑珂铁妨隠
- 定将改变你的看法疪妠剗熤扯