这么优美的旋律我不得不放下手中的其他事情,专心的欣赏,一遍又一遍,越听越喜欢。谢谢水袖给我们带来这么好听的音乐。 自己在网上找了一下,找到了Engelbert Humperdinck 的演唱版本,也很不错。 Stars hang suspended above a floating yellow moon Two hearts were blended while angels sang a lover's tune And so we kissed, not knowing if our hearts could pay the price But heaven welcomed us to paradise Blessing our love Then came the sunrise, fading the moon and stars from sight Recalling always our wonderland by night
[chorus:Stars hang suspended] above a floating yellow moon [chorus:Two hearts were blended] while angels sang a lover's tune
And so we kissed, not knowing if our hearts could pay the price But heaven welcomed us to paradise Blessing our love Then came the sunrise, fading the moon and stars from sight Recalling always our wonderland by night