An architect draws the plans for a new building --- but it still has to be built.
A composer writes a new piece of music -- but it still has to be played.
A chief devises a new recipe -- but the ingredients still have to be cooked.
In the same way, God has given us a blueprint for living -- but we must know what it is and then put it into action. And this can happen because God doesn't leave us to do it alone.
达 尔文坦白地说:“许多本能是多么奇妙,读者可能会为其来源困感,也足够颠覆我的整套理论……”达尔文在《物种起源》(The Origin of Species)中,以整整一章归纳他的进化论的致命弱点,可见他并不在意他的进化论被推翻——如今,他的理论几乎已经被推翻了,他本人的历史地位却安然 无恙。
但是,现代的无神论者却不能没有达尔文主义(或唯物主义、或自然主义)。他们维护达尔文主义的“本能”,引导他们推出新达尔文主义(Neo-Darwinism)、神经达尔文主义(NeuralDarwinism)、社会达尔文主义(Social Darwinism)、极端达尔文主义(Ultra-Darwinism),和四季合宜的达尔文主义(Darwinism for all seasons)等等。假如达尔文活过来,他一定会啼笑皆非。