I am a simple man,so I sing a simple song......伴着Graham Nash轻柔的歌声,黎明破晓的袅袅晨光中,一个头发蓬松、目光呆滞的男人独自踩着电动滑板车、戴着大耳机,轻轻地滑过纽约繁华市区冷清的大街小巷,颓废孤单的背影里流露着一股难以言表的凄苦与迷茫。
这是电影《Reign Over Me。从心开始》开始的一幕。牙医查理(Charlie)在9.11那天突然失去他心爱的妻子和三个女儿。天大的打击,使查理同时患上了严重的自闭症和抑郁症,再也无法恢复自己的正常生活-
经朋友介绍后看过这部电影, 反复听着这首歌,感觉我们真的很简单.透过所有的繁华,我们只要那一份爱,亲人的爱。 Simple Man,一个简单的男人,对这个世界没有过多的奢求与欲望;来自家庭-妻子和女儿的爱,就是他生活中的全部、生命中的一切。
唉!爱可诛心啊! Simple Man---Graham Nash
I am a simple man so I sing a simple song never been so much in love and never hurt so bad at the same time.
I am a simple man and I play a simple tune I wish that I could see you once again across the room like the first time.
I just want to hold you I don't want to hold you down I hear what you're saying and you're spinning my head around and I can't make it alone.
The ending of the tale is the singing of the song make me proud to be your man only you can make me strong like the last time.
I just want to hold you I don't want to hold you down I hear what you're saying and you're spinning my head around and I can't make it alone.