这首New Age风格的Children's Dawn Blessing 制作人是一个很年轻的女孩子Denean(黛妮), 在创作的时候还不满20岁。
在这首乐曲中,她演奏了钢琴,并且人声部分也由自己亲自出马。 有人说:"当身边响起Denean的歌声, 就好像置身天籁,感受天堂的抚摸......”, 但对于我自己,以其说是喜欢她的唱腔, 不如说更喜欢那些歌曲清新、流畅的旋律, 那些歌词宁静、平和的意境
听听这曲Children's Dawn Blessing。 音乐开始是极具感染力钢琴, 引出那清醇的一尘不染的童声吟唱和那经典的旁白, 编织出袅袅梦境,随着飘渺轻盈的旋律掠过耳际, 让人在不知不觉中感染到那份神游暝虚的美感, 清新飘渺,超凡脱俗,不染风尘!
旁白: Grandfather,give blessing to all children who live upon earth and also give blessing to the seven generations that are coming。
Give a clear mind and will to the children who walk toward the future, so that they understand and know peace all over the universe。
Let them have generous affection and well-being, so that all that grows and lives upon earth will be good and strong。
Allow them compassion so that all relations will live。。。。。 All of My Relations。