中秋节来啦,俺们大家聚餐庆贺一下啦 这个世界最吸引俺滴只有你:好吃的食物 来自Benjie 的聚餐通知: Kim的春卷介绍 俺滴全素春卷扼要介绍 其他你们看就可以啦。 爱吃啥,随便挑。 有啥不懂的地方,请向遥遥斑斑和隐士斑斑提问。 《Only You》 from Adrew Lloyd Webber's Musical "Starlight Express" Diane Langton Only you have to power to move me And together we'll make the whole World move in sympathy But I could see before
Only you have the power to move me Take me hold me mold me Change me and improve It's not funny any more
There was I wondering why Every day is a peer into the distance Now with you the light is shining through You gave me life not just existance
Only you have the power to move me And together we'll make the whole World move in sympathy Only you have the power to move me
There was I wondering why Every day is a peer into the distance Now with you the light is shining through You gave me life not just exsistance
Only you have the power to move me And together we'll make the whole World move in sympthy Bright'in up the darkest sky
If only you use the power to move me Take me hold me mould me Change me and improve me We can make it happen you and I
本贴由[杭嘉湖]最后编辑于:2008-9-13 14:18:21 |