俺要想想 --- |
两个头交换了位置 本贴由[小小]最后编辑于:2009-7-7 0:8:17 |
右一号右手边的雕塑形式与左一号左手边的不一致。在其他部位保持形式对称的格局下,它们显得有点不协调。 |
顺着这个思路,你一定能找到~ --- |
bao |
拉登 |
The lady's skirt is falling down. |
你们全是坏人,老卖关子,我不玩了。 |
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/07/06/66129.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 还有就是: 1,右边的那位头上的两个小人是头向外,而左边的那位,头上的小人,一头在外,一个PP在外。 2, 唉,不说了,俺PP,JJ都说到了,还不给答案。不玩了。 --- |
There seems to be a Buddha among the Christian figures: the one above to the right of center. 本贴由[HF:]最后编辑于:2009-7-8 10:21:21 |
婆娘站着, 破绽. 哈哈, 燕子MM, 闹着玩的, 莫怪. --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
Our scientific calculation concluded that the photo was authentic. It had not been altered. |
已经有童鞋找到“破绽”啦~! 本贴由[燕子]最后编辑于:2009-7-10 18:5:18 --- |
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Can you provide a detailed local image of that small figure above the big standing status on the right? It still seems like a laughing Buddha to me, perhaps another joke? |
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