Rodin's work 'Eternal Springtime' shows a passionate kiss between a rather dancing male figure and a kneeling female counterpart, lying in his arms. Like 'The Kiss', this sculpture is also an example of the great series of love couples of the 1880's and 1890's, including 'Fugit Amor' and 'The Eternal Idol'. In 1884, Rodin executed his work with the titles 'Zephyr and the Earth', 'Youth' and 'Ideal'. In 1898, when the group was exhibited at the Salon, it was called 'Cupid and Psyche'.
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Eternal Spring, also known as Eternal Springtime, probably modeled 1881, this marble executed 1906–7 Auguste Rodin (French, 1840–1917) Marble; H. 28 in. (71.1 cm) Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 (17.120.184) The torso of the woman in this group is recognizable as that of a model named Adèle Abruzzezzi. Rodin used it repeatedly, and it appears, for example, in a very different context in The Gates of Hell. Eternal Spring is in a lighter vein, however, full of awakening sensuality and implying neither guilt nor punishment to come. The sculpture was extremely popular, and Rodin repeated it often both in marble and in bronze. In 1898, he sold his plaster foundry models with the reproduction rights for this sculpture and its spiritual twin, The Kiss, to the firm of Ferdinand Barbedienne, the commercial foundry. This marble, commissioned from Rodin in 1906 and finished in March 1907, displays the sensuous, veiled quality of carving that creates an impressionistic play of light and shade on the surface of the medium characteristic of the marbles of Rodin's later career. |
这个似乎更出名 《吻》,大理石雕像,高190厘米,法国雕塑家罗丹,创作于1884-1886年,现藏于巴黎罗丹美术馆。 《吻》取材于但丁的《神曲》里所描写的弗朗切斯卡与保罗这一对情侣的爱情悲剧,罗丹取用这一题材以更加坦荡的形式,塑造了两个不顾一切世俗诽谤的情侣,在幽会中热烈接吻的瞬间。 这件雕塑把双人座像的下半部纳入大理石整体之中,避免了脚的繁琐而加强了坐像的整体感。以极为古典的写实手法雕刻而成。他们起伏,细腻,优雅的肌体和姿态,引起了极为生动的光影效果。仿佛其内在的青春热情与生命,正凭借这些光影在闪烁。当我们望着这生动眩目的杰作时,每一个人都不得不为之激动,即生命之本源的感动。爱情,本就是世间万古不朽的永恒主题。罗丹选取了裸体男女的接吻,这纯洁肉体的最初接触,因而是最动人心弦的。这对受欲望之火燃烧的恋人被放在“地狱之门”中,表达了作者那永无答案的痛苦而矛盾的思索:人的罪恶由不可克服的欲望而来,而欲望是由于人类对光明与欢乐的追求而来,因此人类的欲望就是罪恶的深渊,人类的欢乐就是导向罪恶的途径,而人类的痛苦就是注定不可抗拒的,永无完结的。
本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 22:47:24 本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2009-1-22 22:52:8 --- |
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谢谢大清班好介绍,学习中~呵`` 本贴由[燕子]最后编辑于:2009-1-24 0:22:29 --- |
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