Aged Green
It's hard to fathom the days
when angry volcanoes
spread ashes and hot lava all over
The world once heard
dinosaurs cry, run and hide
For a while, it seemed
the rain would never materialize
Millennia had passed
before the land softened
enough to vegetate
The beginning of the land was
neither rich nor fertile
Rain finally came
clean water and billions
of soft hands love and care
just to nurture spring green
over the hills and the flat lands
It has been so splendid
and so heart-warming
that we didn't have the heart
to ask why there isn't anything
taller than grasses and bushes
growing here in California
Such a fertile piece of real estate
How many years did we have
to keep the truth from our children
that giant redwood trees
forest in the size of small countries
were cut to satisfy human craze
for gold and other things
humans deem precious
Nothing in the universe could
withstand the rough handling
of human desire and greed
California in its wild dreams
never anticipated such a drought
that lasts six month every year
a large choking hand that robs
the spring green, in its lush cradle
Everywhere in the world
beauty is the same short-lived
Yes, horror can be such a touchstone
a litmus test, an elimination process
Thus those Oak Trees are so precious
They were born precocious
with a shade of green
that is aged, past the state of fresh
a color that readies itself
to suffer rather than enjoy
The low land in California is covered
by an aged, weather-beaten green
that refuses to fade in long and hot summers
In a low profile way
the trees protect without asking
for any glory in return
There is no celebration
laughter is forever subdued
The trees stay close to the land
to share the moan, the groan
hopelessness and determination
are expressed in no flamboyant gestures
Outer beauty is never a concern
Those oak trees display a grace
that is internalized
thus become eternal
in the minds
that really
appreciate them
in heart
November 12, 2008
人类社会随同公子兄一道,开始由海洋进入陆地了 --- |
0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location=""; ; return false;" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location=""; ; return false;" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 这一张,真够专业水准的!高,非常高!wallpaper 水准 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location=""; ; return false;" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> --- |
漂亮 |
2001年秋曾经去过那一带啊,丘陵起伏连绵,一片田园风光,我去的是个葡萄园,就是一个世外桃源哪,一洗城市铅华,还见佳人天生丽质啊。 今见三公子的美图,早已将我心神带往那片神奇的土地,恐怕此生难再寻此景,难再续前缘,难,难,难啊。呵呵 |
If you are patient enough, you'll be back to where your heart points you. --- |
想起了舒婷的【致橡树】,想起了斯嘉丽的橡树庄园 --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location=""; ; return false;" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
我如果爱你—— --- |
中学课本里的,背不下来挨板子 --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location=""; ; return false;" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
黄土地的汉子很结实黄土地的女人很朴实 在山上唱歌很荒凉在窑洞里睡觉很安详 黄土地的路在山涯黄土地的水在地下 过去有很多树现在有风沙 黄土地也懂说爱爱是男人的红腰带 黄土地也悲哀有人走了不回来 黄土地的汉子很结实黄土地的女人很朴实 在山上唱歌很荒凉在窑洞里睡觉很安详 黄土地的路在山涯黄土地的水在地下 过去有很多树现在有风沙 黄土地也懂说爱爱是男人的红腰带 黄土地也悲哀有人走了不回来 米酒很醇很香爷爷喝酒什么都不想 黄河水越流越黄奶奶故事越讲越长 米酒很醇很香爷爷喝酒什么都不想 黄河水越流越黄奶奶故事越讲越长 米酒很醇很香爷爷喝酒什么都不想 黄河水越流越黄奶奶故事越讲越长 本贴由[三公子]最后编辑于:2008-11-25 18:3:6 --- |
这些橡树的优雅以深刻的内秀所以在欣赏他们的人们心里永久 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
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