These are just right kind of gift and fit to 湖 mm . ~~ dd, you are A wonderful 体贴男人 to all the mm in here!!! |
本贴由[杭嘉湖]最后编辑于:2008-8-17 15:54:16 |
你不是暗示俺有篡夺大清江山意思吧? 党代表还是留给大清做吧。 嘿嘿 --- |
您要是想找俺给您顶坛子,您也得栽培栽培俺吧。 您要是还给咱挑拨离间,给您顶坛子的事,你就再等个一万年啦。 --- |
Of course 大清 gg always the # 1 the best !!! ~~ dd is the #2, ---do you remember : to honor the older one--??? |
No..........................................................................I am No -1. --- |
No problem 湖 mm! ~~ dd is taking care of you , and hold your hand to walk-------So don't worry! Be-Happay!!! |
或者是大清斑的眼神有问题啦。 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
Stop in here, ~~dd Please!!! 大长清 is gg to you and to every one in here , ------dd needs to respect gg!!! |
You are cute!!! |
good point tt! --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
You are # 2, !!! You are DD. |
谁承认他是 GG 啊? 俺承认他是党代表,但不承认他是 GG。 另外,咱对党代表是有足够尊重滴,是不? --- |
I am telling you, I am not #2. I am #-1. You got it? --- |
There you go 湖 mm!!! I can see you have a good future in front of you !!! tt is wishing you the Best!!! |
俺咋糊涂了捏 波波和大清斑是双胞胎。 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
I don't get it, why can you be # 2 ??? what is your good reason??? |
you are so sweet. --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
You deserved it all !!! |
is always respect gg and dd ??? 湖 mm should be a good example for ~~ DD !!! |
~~要知道,党代表就是天然1G,不信你也来坐上来试试 --- |
除了你 --- |
oh, ~~ you must need a hug from me! 大清斑是很难战胜滴。 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
来自嘉湖MM的巨大 ,再来一个 周末好! --- |
but tt is stays always!!! |
俺说俺不当第二,俺当负一。 党代表的位置您坐着,坐稳了。俺从零点那边支持您,您闲着的时候俺跟你玩跷跷板。 您激我也没用,俺从来吃葱吃蒜不吃姜。嘿嘿。 --- |
大清这辈子都没希望当波波的GG 啦,哈哈! 俺对大清的底很了解。 --- |
hi ~~, your brain is as amazing as 大清太平's. although you are not #1, I still admire you very much! --- |
嬉子 mm : You are sooooo clever and fun!!! |
党外民主人士 不入党的布尔什维克 --- |
党指挥枪;大清斑司令一指挥,~~ 和俺们都奔向垃圾箱。 您的头脑莫非是个“永动机” 下面捏??? --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
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