这个原版的,太好听了,给这位献绯闻了!!! --- |
【红梅花儿开】 田野小河边 红梅花儿开 有一位少年真是我心爱 可是我不能对他表白 满腹的幸福话儿没法讲出来 (满腹的幸福话儿没法讲出来) 他对这件事情一点不知道 少女为他思念天天在心焦 河边红梅花儿已经凋谢了 少女的思念一点没减少 (少女的思念一点没减少) ------2-------- 少女的思念天天在增长 我是一个姑娘怎么对他讲 没有勇气诉说我尽在彷徨 让我们的心上人自己去猜想 (让我们的心上人自己去猜想) 啊啊啊... --- |
含苞待放,无限期待 --- |
借楼下清兄MM的好词 本贴由[steve]最后编辑于:2008-2-10 23:55:27 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
--- 顶顶大腕卧底 |
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看着怎么貌似海棠? 海棠的花儿不会自己开—— --- |
这种可能叫矮海棠或者贴梗海棠,wiki上是这样解释番木瓜的 ChaenomelesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
Chaenomeles is a genus of three species of deciduous spiny shrubs, usually 1–3 m tall, in the family Rosaceae. They are native to eastern Asia in Japan, China and Korea. These plants are related to the Quince (Cydonia oblonga) and the Chinese Quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis), differing in the serrated leaves, and in the flowers having deciduous sepals and styles that are connate at the base. The leaves are alternately arranged, simple, and have a serrated margin. The flowers are 3–4.5 cm diameter, with five petals, and are usually bright orange-red, but can be white or pink; flowering is in late winter or early spring. The fruit is a pome with five carpels; it ripens in late autumn. Chaenomeles is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Brown-tail and the leaf-miner Bucculatrix pomifoliella.
[edit] Common namesGardeners in the West often refer to these species as "flowering quince" (although all quince have flowers). In the 19th and 20th centuries the name "japonica" was widely used (although, since japonica is a specific epithet which is shared by many other plants, this common name is particularly unhelpful). Originally used to refer to C. japonica, the latter common name was (and still is) often loosely applied to Chaenomeles, regardless of their species. The most commonly cultivated chaenomeles referred to as "japonica" are actually the hybrid C. × superba and C. speciosa, not C. japonica. [edit] Species and hybridsC. cathayensis is native to western China and has the largest fruit of the genus, pear-shaped, 10–15 cm long and 6–9 cm wide. The flowers are usually white or pink. The leaves are 7–14 cm long. C. japonica (Maule's Quince or Japanese Quince) is native to Japan, and has small fruit, apple-shaped, 3–4 cm diameter. The flowers are usually red, but can be white or pink. The leaves are 3–5 cm long. C. speciosa (Chinese Flowering Quince; syn.: Chaenomeles laganaria, Cydonia lagenaria, Cydonia speciosa, Pyrus japonica) is native to China and Korea, and has apple-shaped fruit 5–6 cm diameter. The flowers are red. The leaves are 4–7 cm long. Four named hybrids have been bred in gardens. The commonest is C. × superba (hybrid C. speciosa × C. japonica), while C. × vilmoriniana is a hybrid C. speciosa × C. cathayensis, and C. × clarkiana is a hybrid C. japonica × C. cathayensis. The hybrid C. × californica is a tri-species hybrid (C. × superba × C. cathayensis). Numerous named cultivars of all of these hybrids are available in the horticultural trade. [edit] UsesThe species have become a popular ornamental shrubs in parts of Europe and North America, grown in gardens for their bright flowers. Some cultivars grow up to 2 m tall, but others are much smaller and creeping. They are also suitable for cultivation as a bonsai. The fruit are very hard and astringent and very unpleasant to eat raw, though they do soften and become less astringent after frost (when they are said to be "bletted"). They are, however, suitable for making liqueurs, as well as marmalade and preserves, as they contain more pectin than apples and true quinces. The fruit also contain more vitamin C than lemons (up to 150 mg/100 g). [edit] References and external linksRetrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaenomeles" |
多谢政委!让俺在冰天雪地中见到春意! --- |
最可能是贴梗海棠! --- |
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