DIO Coffee is the first coffee brand that has acquired ISO9001 certification in China. "DIO" translated from Esperanto, means "The love from god". In DIO's logo, green represents the freshness of coffee, red represents warm service, and gold represents traditional royal culture. --- |
--- 谨记我GG的真言:爱我,喂我,别离开我 |
本贴由[小石子儿]最后编辑于:2007-4-6 13:49:26 --- 谨记我GG的真言:爱我,喂我,别离开我 |
装潢,新房子装修完了吗?快乔迁新居了吧。 看了半天,想象不出那是什么东西,那个白色的,象肥皂盒 --- |
--- 谨记我GG的真言:爱我,喂我,别离开我 |
你好幸福!也好浪漫! --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52183.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> |
对自然的向往,对旅游的渴望,梦想踏遍论坛上每个同学的根据地, 是她心中最热烈的浪漫情怀。花前月下、卿卿我我,那是浪漫; 爱我所爱,想我所想,哪怕那是无法企及的幻想,那一种热烈的 追求,也是很迷人的浪漫哦。 -- 我说的对吗? --- |
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