
标题: 我的亲身经历. 大家警惕, 以防受骗. [打印本页]

作者: husonghu    时间: 2009-10-8 05:52
标题: 我的亲身经历. 大家警惕, 以防受骗.

大家看到<谷歌、雅虎遭黑客袭击 三万用户资料恐被窃>的新闻了. 既便你的邮箱没有被窃, 你也有可能因人家的被窃而成为诈骗的对象. 下面是我在十一国庆节前后的亲身经历.
我有一位他在美国做访问学者时结识的朋友, 去年底回国, 在国内某大学任教. 我和他有email联系, 但我早些时没向他要来他国内的其他联系方法. 这是我的漏洞. 那天, 我突然接到他的email, 称他出差在英国并丢钱. 身无分文处境艰难, 需要我帮助. email是怪怪的, 但我心想, 这世上, 任何意外的事情都有可能, 万一真的是他, 我不能不理. (也想到也许他找国内亲人跨国汇款不易办, 所以找我 ---- 也许我是老黄历了).  所以就回了信, 说我愿意帮他. 其实这是一个窃踞了我朋友邮箱的骗子. 骗子也太低估我的IQ了, 他可能以为马上就肥肉到口了呢. 其实我是打定主意, 不确认那信确实出于真人之手, 我是决不会放钱的. 尽管越到后来, 骗子的漏洞越大. 但我想, 也许是朋友处于危险境地(比如被人绑架), 以至头脑不清楚, 或口不由衷也有可能. 所以我就一心要联系上我朋友本人或他的太太(总之我要找出真相). 往他学校大了几个电话, 说国庆放假找不到人. 后来总算找到他本人(其实他根本没去英国). 才真相大白.  下面是骗子(冒充朋友的名)和我的email交流. 蛮有趣的. 大家看看(真名隐去):
How are you doing? hope all is well with you, i am sorry that i didn't inform you about my traveling to England for a Seminar.
I need a favor from you as soon as you receive this e-mail because i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where my money,and other valuable things were kept, i will like you to assist me with a  loan urgently. I will be needing the sum of $2,500 to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.  I will appreciate whatever you can afford to help me with, i'll pay you back as soon as i return. Kindly let me know if you can be of help? so that i can send you the details to use when sending the money through Western Union Money Transfer.www.ddhw.com

Your reply will be greatly appreciated.
I see your message.  No problem, I will offer the help you need.  But I want somehow to make sure the message was really out of your hand --- because your email looks a little weird. 
I'd like talk to you over the phone.  Can I reach you at any #?
Thank you for the mail. I am a bit stressed out. Right now i really need your help to get back home and pay my hotel bills. I just left the hotel i told them i was going to get their money because i was to pay my bills yesterday. Right now i am in a public cafe using the public internet. I do not have a penny on me right now. husonghu i really need your help kindly help me send $2,500 through western union to my name and address below.
Name: xxxxxx
Address: 20 Leinster Gardens
City:    Bayswater
State:   London
Zip Code:W2 3AN
Country: United Kingdom
After sending it, email me the MTCN money transfer control number and the total amount you sent. I need to pay the bills so i can get a place to sleep till tomorrow before i buy my return ticket back home. I am counting on you. Once i get the money i will call you from a pay phone. Waiting to receive the details. I owe you one.
Hi, xxxxxx,
It's somewhat difficult here ---- It is about 6:00 pm here, and banks are closed, but I'll try.  I never used Western Union also.  One thing:  can somehow we pay the hotel by using my credit card? (For instance, I call them and pay them on your behalf).
You misplaced or lost your wallet?  ("Misplaced" means you can get back sometime.  "Lost" means you may not get back)  www.ddhw.com
Also, could you tell some phone #s in China (e.g. your wife's, or your Department) for me to call to verify your situation?  Thanks.
Thank you for your kindness. I am very happy now. Their phone contact is in my wallet that i misplaced. The hotel i lodge is not online so that will be very difficult to pay the bills online. I will appreciate if you go to www.westernunion.com on your computer you can send the money online with your credit card the maximum limit is $900 i guess so you can send it twice online that will make a total of $1,800 that will take care of me right now and i will have a place to lay my head. i really appreciate all you are doing. I have sent my wife an email but i did not get her response. She is not good on computer. I will wait to receive the details. Once you send the money online they will provide you some details which you will send to me, that is the MTCN money transfer control number. I wait to receive the details. Thanks alot.
I forget, but you please tell me when and where you saw me the last time, and with whom?
Thank you for confirming. As you know there alot of internet scam. The last time we saw was in AZ i was there with my family and Dr Wang was also there with his wife. Hope you are ok. I really do not have much time here. Please get back to me with the details. Thank you once again.



  本贴由[husonghu]最后编辑于:2009-10-8 2:3:48  

作者: Jenny    时间: 2009-10-8 17:41
标题: [:O][:O]


作者: idiot94    时间: 2009-10-8 17:51
标题: 我的油箱每天至少要收到100个各式各样的spam,其中至少有10个各种骗密码,

账号,汇款的。我以前给FBI打过电话,说了许多废话,现在知道这种事情没人管-----最可笑的是,我现在每天都会收到至少5个从我自己的邮箱(!!!!!)发出的这种玩意儿(多半都是卖春药的什么的。。),结果就是我自己的邮箱是在我的ban list 上面 (收发是同一个邮箱),但我也没什么办法不让这帮混蛋发,就这么不了了之了。所以,还有谁会管这种事?


作者: xyh    时间: 2009-10-8 21:01
标题: 回复:我的油箱每天至少要收到100个各式各样的spam,其中至少有10个各种骗密码,



作者: 开开心心    时间: 2009-10-9 02:36
标题: 电邮地址部害事[:-D]

Name: xxxxxx
Address: 20 Leinster Gardens
City:    Bayswater
State:   London
Zip Code:W2 3AN
Country: United Kingdom
 Duke of Leinster Hotelwww.ddhw.com
20 Leinster Gardens, Bayswater, London, W2 3AN  

Phone: +44 (0)20 7298 3850

Fax:+44 (0)20 7298 3855









  本贴由[开开心心]最后编辑于:2009-10-8 19:38:16  

作者: shlok    时间: 2009-10-9 04:29
标题: Jenny JJ 想起去年收到的love letter了?[:-K][:-Q][:-M]

  Jenny JJ 想起去年收到的love letter了?

作者: el monte ca usa    时间: 2009-10-9 23:46
标题: 回复:我的亲身经历. 大家警惕, 以防受骗.



作者: salmonfish    时间: 2009-10-10 00:14
标题: 好烧吗? 多少Miles一加仑?[:-K][:-K][:-D][:-D]


作者: idiot94    时间: 2009-10-10 02:42
标题: 哈哈。。要是点得着就好了 :)[:-M]

  哈哈。。要是点得着就好了 :)

作者: 色盲    时间: 2009-10-13 07:16
标题: 哈,我最近才发现我自己的邮箱也在给我自己发spam[:-K](图)






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