从题目上看,小岛的面积不大而且是平的,灯塔很高,所以游人可以自己看出来那条路通向灯塔。 如果必须问问题,先问“灯塔是75米吗?”由此分出说真话和说假话的人,然后问说真话的人那条路通灯塔。最多问5次就可以了。 如果语言不同,情况就复杂了。 |
首先,最多三次,你可以问出来: 用两个问题分辨出来谁是总说真话的人(1),第三个问题直接问他方向: 1 2 3 4 1>2,对吗? 不对 对 不对 对 2>1,对吗? 对 不对 不 对 不对 而下面的问题能分辨出第三个人来: 如果我的第一个也就是上一个问题是“1>2,对吗?”,那你们如何回答我的这个问题“2>1,对吗?”?(注意这个是我的第一个问题!!这个问题很别扭,对答题者来说这是第几个问题呢?当然也是第一个!) 1 2 3 4 对 对 不对 对 这样你找出了第三个人,而且他的下一个问题是真,你就可以直接问他了! |
First round: Ask a (known) question, there must be two Yes and Two No case 1), if the last one is No, then ask one of the two Yes, case 1-1) if yes, then he is the one who always tells truth case 1-2) if no, the the other one always tells truth case 2), if the last one is Yes, then case 2-1) if the first one is Yes, then ask one of the No case 2-1-1) if Yes, he is the one will tell the truth, because the first one told truth case 2-1-2) if No, the other No will tell the truth case 2-2) if the first one is No,??? |
Ask a known question, if the first answer is Yes, then ask one of the two No again, you will know who will always tell the truth since the first one told the truth, total question = 4 + 1 + 1 = 6 and if the first answer is No, then ask a known but false question to the rest of them, if the last answer is Yes, which is a lie, then ask a known true question to one of the two No the one said yes is the one who always tells truth, total = 4 + 1 + 1 = 6 if the 2nd or the 3rd said Yes, then ask the last one how to get there, total = 3 + 1 = 4 |
Y N N Y 4 times ================ Y Y N N - - Y - 6 times ================ Y N Y N - - - Y 6 times ================ N Y2 N2 3 times ================= N N2 Y2 N2 4 times =================== N N2 N2 Y2 - Y - - 6 times ================== where N(2)=no answer to true(false) question Y(2)=yes answer to true(false) question |
1) Yes No No ==>>> ask the last one: 4 times 2) Yes Yes ==>>> ask the first one again: 3 times 3) Yes No Yes ==>>> ask the first one again: 4 times |
1) Yes ==>>> ask the 1st man: 2 times 2) No Yes ==>>> ask the 2nd man: 3 times 3) No No ==>>> ask the third man: 3 times |
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