关键是找出要作的园的半径。我先用代数方法求出,再用几何方法作图。可能不是你要的方法。 设两已知园半径为R, r,直线上两切点的距离为L, 所求园半径为 x。 连接已知园园心与直线上各自的切点,过所求园园心作外公切线的平行线,连接已知园心和所求园心,这样得两个直角三角形。用勾股定理可得: [(R+x)2-(R-x)2](1/2)+[(r+x)2-(r-x)2](1/2)=L 化简后得 [R + r + 2(R*r)(1/2) ]* x = (L/2)2 1。作 (R*r)(1/2) 以(R+r)为直径作半圆,过R, r 的分点作这直径的垂线交半圆一点,从这点到垂足的长度是(R*r)(1/2) 2。作 x: 作一直角三角形ABC,两直角边AC=L/2,BC=R+r+2(R*r)(1/2)],过A作AB的垂线交BC的延长线于D,那么CD= x 以两已知园园心为园心,分别以 R+x, r+x 为半径作弧相交,以交点为园心 x 为半径做园即可. |
功力深厚! |
就是我的方法。我只会作这种假几何题,真的纯几何题就不会作了。 本来以为拐个弯可以难住野菜花了(至少难住一会儿),结果还是难不住。真的要哭了。 |
读初中时还挺喜欢几何的,现在不知怎么,看到复杂的图形头都疼了 |
难倒的还少吗?连你的++的题目都要用上吃奶的力气,还常做不出,+++,++++的题看也不用看了。 |
我也有同样的毛病。 下面 Jenny 出的那几个题目,我也是一看就头大。我尝试的那道题是因为其图形相对简单。 |
发现一个问题:你只作了一个圆,其实有两个,一大一小。 |
For another circle: 化简后得 [R + r - 2(R*r)(1/2) ]* x = (L/2)2
If the the circles are at different sides of the line, there is no solution. Should you add some condition? |
Maybe 外公切线 means the two circles are at the same side of the line? I am not sure about the meaning of 外. Is there an inner 公切线? |
Given two circles A and B, find a circle C within the small area bounded by the two circles and the line. If two circles have distinct radius, say Circle B is larger than circle A, there is another circle satisfying the condition. We may use the same graph as above, treat circle A and C be given, then circle B is the one desired. |
yes, 外公切线 means the two circles are at the same side of the line |
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