歌曲: Waves Of Green
歌手: Shine Dion
come be my true beloved
and share my journey's song
on the winding pathways
where we belong
be my true beloved
as heaven to the sea
sail beyond the sunset
to wonder is to be
come river of tomorrow
come well of yesterday
blending with another
each a different way
bring me wind and fire
and I'll bring the sea
come into the garden
all the shades of green
be my true beloved
on the farthest shore
a place we are less
a place we are more
come give me
all your landscapes
and I will give you mine
when the clouds are parting
by the light of time
bring me wind and fire
and I'll bring the sea
come into the garden
all the shades of green
bring me wind and fire
and I'll bring the sea
come into the garden
all the shades of green
舍命求片啊。。。 --- |
山高湖深,水碧树绿 摄人心魄,消忧解愁 荡涤灵魂,纯洁身心 要去,一定要去的地方! --- |
--- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
图片中湖对面的山峰的右面有一条hiking trail (Yoho Pass Trail), 可以远足走到另一个山谷里。可以看到 Yoho Lake, Takakkaw Fall,....美得不得了呀! |
嬉子美眉,眼神真独到。 |
他们和山水融为一体 - 瞧他们都穿着伪装色。 --- |
吧。。。 油菜的大清班让俺变成结巴了。 --- |
以为你在撵俺走 --- |
碰见一对白人老夫妻在湖边悠闲地散步,就闲聊了一下。他们美滋滋地说是儿女花钱,让他们住在这个湖边度假。他们一定有足够时间走trail了。 --- |
谢谢波波。 --- |
不过,俺怕熊! --- |
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