人在旅途, 日子过的糊里糊涂, 时间更是不明不白. 只有到了早餐时间, 才知道新的一天开始了.
忙里偷闲赶潮流, 贴几张"寂寞"早餐, 啥时候吃的, 是不是同一天吃的, 俺都丧失记忆了. 班班别”007” 揭俺老底, 揭了也别说.
某一天的寂寞早餐, 就这么打发了.
就这些? 都是时差闹的
这个比较好, 有蛋白质, 有维生素, 更重要的是有色彩
又是刀, 又是叉的, 其实只是一小碗谷物泡牛奶.
俺得说, 其实选择还是挺多的,只是俺不敢天天吃太多, 连尝一下都觉得会是一种负担
这是当地特产, 很甜, 俺觉得属于”Candy”, 班班要不间谍一下?
少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。 而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。 --- 夏天过去了, 摘下帽子, 光头关公来也! |
等着VMM的欧洲游系列片片!D3000应该很强大,果然好片片。 本贴由[仅关]最后编辑于:2010-6-29 6:30:48 --- 夏天过去了, 摘下帽子, 光头关公来也! |
风住尘香花已尽,日晚倦梳头。物是人非事事休,欲语泪先流。 闻说双溪春尚好,也拟泛轻舟。只恐双溪舴艋舟,载不动、许多愁。 --- |
顾不上多看别的调调. 总的感觉, 那疙瘩的人民比俺民工会生活 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
人在旅途,就是要这样 enjoy 每一天,rejoice 您自由的日子。祝福您 |
5盘 + 1碗 并且,似乎要把这篮子连锅端 --- |
看待“苦差”只不过是 piece of cake 罢了。相信“这世上”没有过不了的坎儿,学习接纳,释放自己。 |
虽然还没有8、90岁,但是也不远了 |
>不过但是,有三盘是同一颜色的盘子,不看exif就知道是同一天的 Vmm难得的寂寞好生活!! 旅途愉快,多看巴黎。 宁可在塞纳河坐游船, 也不要在河畔走(夏天那儿味道太大,尤其桥下 )! 本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2010-6-29 11:10:14 --- |
只要你我愿意付代价,你我想要什么都可以。各式,各种,坚持各样的东西摆放在那里,只要我们有能力支付得起。 但是,我们如何能够支付得起我们想要的东西呢?只有天天”坚持“努力,以致于成功。如果我们只是一味地等着别人把它拿来,或者不亲身去实践,将永远也成功不了。 咱们必须站起身来,不怕艰难,不怕吃苦,自己去拿,就是了。 |
不过呢, 班班可别拿data跟俺叫真哈 没在巴黎住 暴走了一天, 还没好好闻臭味, 就回到 "The center of Europ", 一呆就是五天啊.
本贴由[veil]最后编辑于:2010-6-29 11:23:58 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
http://wikimapia.org/3433158/Center-of-Europe After a re-estimation of the boundaries of the continent of Europe in 1989, Jean-George Affholder, a scientist at the Institut Géographique National determined that the Geographic Centre of Europe is located at 54°54′N, 25°19′E. The method used for calculating this point was that of the centre of gravity of the geometrical figure of Europe. This point is located in Lithuania, specifically 26 kilometres north of its capital city, Vilnius, near the village of Purnuškės. A monument, composed by the sculptor Gediminas Jokūbonis and consisting of a column of white granite surmounted by a crown of stars, was erected at the location in 2004. An area of woods and fields surrounding the geographic centre point and including Lake Girija, Bernotai Hill, and an old burial ground, was set aside as a reserve in 1992. The State Tourism Department at the Ministry of Economy of Lithuania has classified the Geographic Centre monument and its reserve as a tourist attraction. 17 km away lies Europos Parkas, -------------- 刚读完上面这个,又看到下面这个,晕了 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical_midpoint_of_Europe Some claimants Locations currently vying for the distinction of being the centre of Europe include: * Bernotai, or Purnuškės, near Vilnius, in Lithuania; * a point on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia; * the village of Krahule, near Kremnica, in central Slovakia; * the small town of Rakhiv, or the village of Dilove near Rakhiv, in western Ukraine; * Suchowola, north of Białystok, in northeast Poland; and Toruń, in north-central Poland; * a point near Polotsk in Belarus. As noted below, Guinness World Records recognises Bernotai, 26 km. north of Vilnius, Lithuania, as the "official" geographical midpoint of Europe. But that does not preclude other centres, depending on the methodology used in making the determination. --- |
Brussels, 因欧盟总部在此, 故号称欧洲中心. --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
小童铜像及喷水池座落于布鲁塞尔市中心区恒温街(Ru de L'Etuve)及橡树街(Rue de Chene)转角处。从市中心著名景点布鲁塞尔大广场沿著恒温街步行大概5、6分钟,即可到达。 -- 根据wiki;俺自己的记忆已经生锈了。 --- |
比较喜欢这个,尤其是smoked salmon. 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("ddhw.")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.org";return false;" src="http://music.ddupload.com/show.aspx?id=84242.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> --- |
有几种鱼可选择, 淹制的, 都好吃 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
小孩有名不好找, 俺最后一天才找到. 俺明白了, 以后去任何陌生地方, 都得咨询班班, 主要是服务免费呀 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
呼吁主管领导,相应国家号召,鼓励消费,刺激经济,为全球经济复苏做贡献呐 --- |
不吃海鲜了? --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
当地人只吃带鳍的鱼, 其他类海鲜比较难找. 也许中餐馆不理会那些. --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
现在海水污染,海鱼铅汞含量比以前高,Vmm看俺的能否开中餐馆 --- |
俺的胃, 越来越随和, 吃哪国家的食物都乐和. 唯一担心吃太多, 回家还得减肥. --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
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